5 Important Things to Look Out For While Apartment Hunting

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Apartment hunting can involve copious amounts of time searching through online listings, contacting realtors and agents, and touring multiple potential homes. All of this while being on a deadline according to when your current lease is ending, factoring in competition so you’d have to submit applications quickly, and most of all, finding the right place for you. Suffice it to say, this process can be pretty stressful.

Your home should be your sanctuary, so you’d want to do your due diligence to find the right one for you. However, amidst everything going on, there may be a few things that slip your mind. Below, we listed 5 things to keep in mind while searching for your next apartment:


Check your phone’s signal

When viewing a new potential home, make sure to check the reception on your phone. If staying connected is a big priority, you may not want to rent a home with weak cell reception and frequently dropped calls.

Check the electrical outlets

Take notice of the electrical outlets in a room and make sure they all work. Bring something small to plug in, such as a phone charger to test every outlet. The last thing you want is a kitchen with nowhere to plug in your small appliances or a room with outlets in inconvenient spots.

Check the water pressure and temperature

Turn on all the sink and shower faucets to see how hot the water gets as well as checking for good water pressure. And if you happen to notice any issues, these can be brought up to the landlord to be fixed before moving in.

Make sure there are no signs of pests

Unwanted pests in the form of rodents or roaches are never appreciated and trying to get rid of them is a nightmare. To avoid this, make sure there are no signs of infestations. Thoroughly inspect all the cabinets and check for any cracks or holes in the walls and baseboards.

Scope out the neighborhood

Consider visiting the home again at night to get a good feel of the neighborhood. Places can really differ depending on the time of day you visit. It’d also be a great idea to check out the parking situation if the home doesn’t already come with a designated parking spot for you.